Friday, March 25, 2016

PDF⋙ The New Munsell Student Color Set by Jim Long

The New Munsell Student Color Set by Jim Long

The New Munsell Student Color Set

The New Munsell Student Color Set by Jim Long PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Adaptable to both studio and lecture courses and appropriate for all student levels from beginner to advanced, The New Munsell Student Color Set, 4th Edition, is a complete learning package that offers opportunities for experimenting with color effects using paint, paper, and computers. A full-color interactive and experimental guidebook for understanding color in all its dimensions, it includes 11 Munsell color charts, 15 interactive charts, 14 packets of color chips, and a textbook, all designed to facilitate hands-on learning of color's aspects and effects. The text provides a complete study of color use and color science, including extended discussion of visual perception, optical effects, and practical application of color phenomena in fine and applied art practices.

This new edition features a revised and updated art program, replacing outdated images and enlarging others for enhanced detail clarity. New coverage includes sections on color trends and color forecasting, expanded content on how to create a color scheme, and updated information on using color in digital design.

PLEASE NOTE: Purchasing or renting this ISBN does not include access to the STUDIO resources that accompany this text. To receive free access to the STUDIO content with new copies of this book, please refer to the book + STUDIO access card bundle ISBN 9781501312229. STUDIO Instant Access can also be purchased or rented separately on

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