Monday, March 14, 2016

PDF⋙ Wife-In-Law (Center Point Platinum Fiction) by Haywood Smith

Wife-In-Law (Center Point Platinum Fiction) by Haywood Smith

Wife-In-Law (Center Point Platinum Fiction)

Wife-In-Law (Center Point Platinum Fiction) by Haywood Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Neighbors Betsy Callison and Kat Rutledge were like oil and water when they met thirty-five years ago. Betsy was a prim, neat-freak, Republican wife, and Kat was a wild, irreverent, hippie Democrat. But they soon discovered that common ground can create a bond that lasts -- until Betsy's husband leaves her for his secretary, then comes sniffing back around two years later and convinces newly widowed Kat to marry him! It's not that Betsy wants him back, but it's hard to move on when your ex and your best friend are flaunting their love right across the street. It's not long before trouble begins to brew in paradise, and no one knows philandering Greg better than his ex-wife Betsy. Can Betsy get involved in her best friend's marriage -- even if it means helping her wife-in-law figure out the man she herself had shared a bed with for thirty years?

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